When you left for a vacation, your cabinets opened and closed just fine. As soon as you get back, you notice they’re sticking together or not closing all the way. Most likely, this happens because you turned off your AC before you left for your trip, resulting in excess moisture in the air. However, your cabinets could be sticking together for entirely different reasons. Here are four possible reasons your kitchen cabinets are sticking together:

1. You Live Near the Water
If you live near the coast, or by a lake, you’re going to encounter serious humidity issues inside and outside the home. Unfortunately, this is just a common occurrence for those living near coastal areas. While your AC can remove some of the humidity in your home, you might want to consider investing in a dehumidifier if the stickiness continues to present a problem.
2. You Boiled Water On The Stove
If you recently cooked pasta or boiled water for a recipe, you just flooded your kitchen with water vapor, temporarily resulting in sticky doors and cabinets. For this reason, it’s a good idea to install vents and fans in humidity-producing areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Wait a few hours and see if the humidity dissipates. If not, you might have a bigger issue on your hands. After 24 hours, if you still feel like you’re living in a jungle, call an AC professional.
3. You Started Using Spray Wax or a New Cleaning Product
Some cleaning solutions and spray-on waxes are not designed for use on certain types of cabinet materials, including painted woods and finishes. You should always check the product label to verify that it’s okay to use on your cabinets. Otherwise, the chemicals might affect the paint or finish in the wrong way, leaving you with sticky residue. If store-bought cleaning supplies aren’t doing the trick, try using a homemade solution of distilled white vinegar and baking soda.
4. Your AC Needs Maintenance
As your AC runs, it helps pull humidity out of the air using condensation. The excess moisture collects on the evaporator coils and drains outside through the condensate line. If your AC is not functioning efficiently, it could disrupt the dehumidifying process, resulting in higher humidity levels than expected. Schedule a maintenance check with an AC professional to see if the humidity is related to AC performance. If not, a home dehumidifier could assist your cooling system with removing extra moisture.
Keep Your Home Cool and Dry by Calling Energy Air
Cabinets sticky because of humidity in the air? Give the HVAC professionals at Energy Air a call today or schedule an appointment online and we will discuss our dehumidifying solutions with you.