When it comes to our home, we do everything we can to keep our families safe. We install smoke detectors, filter our water, and lock our doors when we leave. While all of this may help to protect our homes, the truth is, if you have poor indoor air quality (IAQ), your family may still be at risk.
Poor indoor air quality has been listed as one of the leading environmental risks in the world and is linked to numerous health issues. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that indoor air has around five times as many pollutants as outdoor air. If you’re worried about your home’s air, here is everything you need to know about indoor air quality.Have you ever been in a home or building that just felt stuffy? Did you experience any sneezing or coughing? Perhaps it was itchy, watery eyes? If so, you likely experienced “sick building syndrome” firsthand.

Health Risks of Poor Indoor Air Quality
The EPA found both immediate and long-term effects of exposure to poor indoor air quality. Just some of the short-term side effects they found linked with poor IAQ included:
– Eye irritation – Dizziness – Fatigue – Runny nose – Scratchy throat
These are just the immediate effects of poor IAQ. It has also been found to cause or trigger certain conditions such as asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and humidifier fever. Continued exposure has also been linked to serious and even life threatening respiratory diseases, heart disease, and certain cancers.
What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?
Many homeowners are wondering, “How can this happen?” After all, if you clean your home regularly, what could cause all these terrible pollutants to get inside? Well, the fact is, many of these harmful pollutants come from outside. They find their way in, but have no way of escaping, becoming trapped inside your home. The flow of air coming in and out of your home is known as the exchange rate. When the exchange rate is low, pollutant levels increase.
One of the main ways that air comes in and out of your home is through your ventilation systems. If your ventilation system is dirty, it slows down the exchange rate in addition to introducing pollutants into your air.
Protect Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Today
The best way to keep your air and your family safe is by keeping your air conditioner and ventilation system clean. At Energy Air, we offer a number of indoor air quality products and services to keep your air clean and your family safe. Contact us and find out how Energy Air can help to improve your home’s indoor air quality today.