The Energy Air team is nearing completion of construction at Jack R. Lamb Elementary School in Tampa after an aggressive schedule of just seven months to complete the $2 million mechanical scope. The brand new, 100,000-square-foot school includes a chilled-water mechanical system with two chillers, five ice storage tanks, one heat exchanger, one glycol system, five chilled-water air handling units, four mini split systems and associated piping, duct work, fans and controls. Energy Air was contracted with Batson-Cook Company to complete the HVAC scope of work, and construction began in December. The new school was built to address population growth in southern Hillsborough County and is the second new construction school project the district has undertaken in the past two years. Construction will be complete before students return from summer break in August. The school is being constructed under Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, or LEED, Silver design standards. Jack R. Lamb is the second school in the district to be built according to LEED design standards.
