Fall is in full swing and winter is just around the corner. Is your home ready to handle cooler temperatures? These five simple yet effective tips will help you winter-proof your Florida home so you and your family will stay comfortable all season long.

1. Inspect the Roof and Chimney
Before the temperatures begin to drop, it’s a good idea to inspect your roof and chimney for any missing shingles or damage as this can cause leaks. If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, have your chimney and fireplace inspected to ensure they’re safe, draft-free, and in proper working order.
2. Clean the Gutters and Drains
While you’re thinking about the roof, it’s good to get those gutter and downspouts emptied and cleaned during the fall. Be safe or hire a professional to do the job for you.
3. Keep Your Pipes in Mind If the Temperature Dips Below Freezing
Despite a record-breaking heatwave, Florida has been known to get cold. In fact, just earlier in 2015, northern Florida saw a historic cold front! With that in mind, you should consider the state of your pipes if temperatures do threaten to dip below freezing. Water pipes are known to burst if they freeze, so it’s best to drain and empty exterior hoses and pipes, and inspect water pipes in your house. To prevent freezing, you can wrap heating tape around water pipes near the exterior of your home.
4. Make Sure Your Safety Detectors Have Fresh Batteries
Check the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home to make sure that they are working properly and have fresh batteries. At least twice a year make sure to change out the old batteries for new ones.
5. Keep Warm Air Inside of Your Home
You pay for the energy your heating system puts off, so make sure your home doesn’t let that warm air escape. Installing storm windows, checking for drafts by putting strips under your doors and windows, and having your home well-insulated will help you save energy and stay warm this season.
When it comes to staying comfortable year round, you need a reliable HVAC company to turn to keep your heating and air conditioning system in great shape. At Energy Air, our team of HVAC professionals offers an extensive list of products and services designed to keep you comfortable for less. Give us a call today if you’re in need of any HVAC services, or schedule a service appointment online.